Course Description

In this 2.5 hour Course (broken up into 5-10minute videos) you'll learn how to fast and detoxify in a safe, delicious, sustainable way. 

Done appropriately, fasting and detoxification will not only help you maintain your ideal weight, increase energy, improve your complexion, and make you feel great...  

it will also treat the root cause of all disease, according to Ayurveda.

At the Course you will learn: 

  • The Ayurvedic model of nutrition and the disease process
  • Why regular fasting is so important 
  • How it can prevent (or even reverse) the disease process
  • How to fast the Ayurvedic way, to support digestion, the immune system and the mind
  • How to incorporate fasting into daily life
  • How to carry out seasonal fasting and why
  • How the Ayurvedic approach differs from other techniques (why it's better!)
  • The side effects of improper fasting or cleansing
  • And about Panchakarma, Ayurveda's unique approach to deep cleansing and rejuvenation

The Course includes several  bonus handouts:

  • a 3-5 Day Ayurvedic Fast with Recipes 
  • Guidelines for Cleansing in Daily Life
  • an Ayurvedic version of the 5:2 Fast Diet (we call ours the 4:2:1 Ayurvedic Diet!), for those interested in Intermittent Fasting.

This course is suitable for complete newcomers to Ayurveda but also those more familiar with Ayurvedic principles.

The cost of this course is $47 which gives you access to all of the materials for 2 years.

Buy now to learn everything you need to know about fasting and detoxing from an Ayurvedic perspective in the comfort of your own home.

Ayurvedic Practitioner, Naturopath, Herbalist and Zen Monk

Kester Marshall

Kester has been a practicing Naturopath and Western Herbalist since 1996. Following 6 months of travelling through India in 2000, Kester's fascination with Ayurveda began and he's been studying it ever since. He has studied through the American Institute of Vedic Studies (Dr Frawley), the Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies (Dr Ajit) and EQUALS College (Dr Bosco Paul). He spent six months gaining clinical experience at the Ayurvedic Research Institute and with Private Doctors in Pune, India and spent several years studying pulse and prescribing with Ayushakti Ayurveda (Dr Smita Naram). Kester has also been a formal Zen student of Doko’s since 2008 and was ordained as a Zen Buddhist Monk in early 2012. Kester ran a health clinic in South Australia for over a decade before moving to Northern NSW in late 2009. From 2009-2020 he ran retreats, courses, mentorship programs and a large health clinic in Mullumbimby with his wife, Nadia. He continues to offer Ayurvedic Consultations and Mentorship through our now smaller clinic in Mullumbimby while also practicing Zen and studying Garden Design.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Ayurvedic Fasting & Detoxing Part 1

    • 1. Introduction to Fasting & Detoxing (10mins)


    • 2. The Western Perspective of Fasting (3mins)

    • 3. The Ayurvedic Model of Nutrition: Toxins, Digestion & Ojas (12mins)

    • 4. The Ayurvedic Model of Nutrition: The Four Types of Digestion (4mins)

    • 5. The Ayurvedic Model of Disease: Ama, Doshas & the Development of Disease (13mins)

    • 6. How the Ayurvedic Approach to Fasting Differs (9mins)

    • 7. The Harmful Effects of Inappropriate Fasting (5mins)

    • 8. Guidelines for Detoxing/Cleansing in Daily Life (QUALITY & QUANTITY) (12mins)

    • 9. Guidelines for Detoxing/Cleansing in Daily Life (TIMING & ENVIRONMENT) (8mins)


    • 10. Part 1: Q&A (11mins)

  • 2

    Ayurvedic Fasting & Detoxing: Part 2

    • 1. Shamana - Calming Things Down (when the disease is strong & the person is weak) (12mins)

    • 2. Shodana - Cleaning Things Out (when the person is strong & the diseases is weak) (4mins)

    • 3. Panchakarma - The First Two Phases (Establishing the Environment & Elimination of the Doshas/Ama) (14mins)

    • 4. Panchakarma, The Mind & The Third Phase (Rejuvenation) (9mins)


    • 5. Three Cleansing Options at Home (14mins)



    • 6. Benefits of Seasonal Cleansing (9mins)

    • 7. PART 2: Q&A (9mins)